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  • As the friction between St. John`s poet environmentalist, Luke Delaney and ACOM oil executive Nathan Brophy escalates, Angéline LeBlanc, a Cajun beauty with a curious past kindles one fire while dousing another. Between hurricanes, nor'easters and revolving doors, the cast begins unraveling and all seems lost. But in the story`s wild waterways, the unlikely hero remains buoyant, bobbing along, hoping to save the City of Dreams from the gravity of deception and greed. © 2010
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  • It's July 2nd, 1992, the Newfoundland cod fishery and the the Roman Catholic church are imploding under the weight of unfathomable abuse. Luke Delaney, a bookish boy and his brazen best buddy, Mikey Ryan set out from the Outer Battery to climb the Salt Mountains. And to bear witness to the end of a way of life. As one man said, "Everyone was so busy blaming everyone else, that they forgot to look in the mirror." © 2014
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  • Following a car accident in 2005, St. John's freelance writer Luke Delaney develops an addiction to prescription narcotics and, a decade later, is looking for a way out. Angéline LeBlanc is Luke's strength, but she's coming to grips with her own demons. Enter Liliana Sánchez, Cuban exile and pharmacologist who seems to have all the answers. New Found Landis a modern-day story of snake oil and belief and Big Pharma is part of the problem. The real fix is in the unconscious mind. Of everyone. © 2018
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  • A High of Zero, Poetry to the Twelve Months is the first published work by Herbert F. Hopkins. The original book with hand-carved covers, illuminated by B.W. Chubbs and bound by Tara Bryan was purchased by the National Library and now resides in the National Book Preservation Centre in Gatineau, Quebec. Subsequently, one hundred and fifty leather bound copies were produced and sold out. That was eight years ago. As a celebration of his sixtieth birthday, the author produced an additional sixty books. They too sold out. Words and Wood is now offering an offset printed edition of "A High of Zero." ©2007